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DigestZen Essential Oil Blend

Digestive Blend

The Essence of Digestive Harmony


Embark on a soothing journey with doTERRA's DigestZen Digestive Blend, an expertly formulated amalgamation designed to nurture and support your body's natural digestive processes. Drawing upon the potent gifts of nature, DigestZen seamlessly unites the refreshing coolness of Peppermint, the age-old wisdom of Coriander, the warming touch of Ginger, the calming embrace of Caraway, the aromatic allure of Cardamom, the smooth essence of Fennel, and the sweet undertones of Anise. Together, these ingredients craft a symphony of relief, ensuring that every drop is a testament to balance and well-being, guiding your digestive journey to its harmonious rhythm.

Single OilsPeppermint, Coriander, Ginger, Caraway, Cardamom, Fennel, Anise


Aromatic Description: Spicy, sweet, minty, licorice


Take a Closer Look

Let's take a deeper dive into this blend and its single oils



Peppermint is much more than just a fresh aroma. Revered for its invigorating and cooling sensation, peppermint oil is a favorite for promoting clear breathing and enhancing mental focus. On the digestive front, peppermint has been utilized historically to soothe an upset stomach and provide relief from bloating and indigestion. Its naturally occurring menthol content delivers a sensation that can be both energizing and soothing.



Derived from the seeds of the cilantro plant, coriander essential oil brings a fresh, herbal aroma. Historically, coriander has been used for its ability to support a healthy digestive and metabolic system. Its gentle yet potent properties have made it a preferred choice to calm occasional digestive discomfort and maintain an already healthy insulin response.



With its warm and spicy aroma, ginger has been a staple in traditional medicine and culinary applications for centuries. In the realm of health, ginger oil is particularly celebrated for its ability to alleviate nausea and occasional digestive upset. Its warming properties are known to soothe and support the digestive system, making it an essential player in the blend.



Caraway oil, derived from the seeds of the caraway plant, offers a slightly spicy and peppery aroma. Rich in carvone and limonene, caraway has been utilized in traditional medicine to promote digestion and reduce bloating. Its natural constituents work in synergy to comfort the stomach and maintain healthy digestive function.



Recognized for its spicy, warm fragrance, cardamom oil is distilled from the seeds of the cardamom plant. Beyond its widespread culinary uses, cardamom is valued for its ability to ease occasional indigestion and stomach discomfort. Its aromatic profile brings both depth and balance to the DigestZen blend.



With its sweet, licorice-like aroma, fennel oil stands out for its soothing properties. Traditionally used to counteract digestive discomfort and to promote healthy bowel movements, fennel oil is rich in anethole, which supports digestive health and provides relief from occasional bloating and gas.



Distinct for its sweet, yet slightly spicy scent, anise oil is derived from the star-shaped fruits of the anise plant. Valued for its ability to help ease spasms and digestive discomfort, anise imparts a naturally sweet note to the DigestZen blend, harmonizing its overall aroma and enhancing its digestive benefits.

Together, these oils craft a potent and holistic solution in the DigestZen Digestive Blend, addressing a broad spectrum of digestive needs and concerns.

10 ways to use digestzen
  1. Soothing Stomach Massage: Mix a few drops of DigestZen with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil. Gently massage onto the stomach area in a circular motion to help relieve bloating, gas, and occasional indigestion.

  2. Diffuse for Aroma: Place a few drops into a diffuser to release its soothing aroma, which can promote a calm environment and support feelings of wellness.

  3. Freshen Breath: Add a drop of DigestZen to water and use as a mouth rinse to refresh breath and support oral health.

  4. Internal Relief: For adults, place 1–2 drops in an empty veggie capsule and swallow with water to help alleviate occasional stomach upset.

  5. Motion Sickness Aid: Place a drop of DigestZen behind the ears or on the insides of wrists before a car trip or boat ride to help prevent motion sickness.

  6. Comforting Warm Water Drink: Add 1–2 drops to a cup of warm water and sip slowly to help soothe an upset stomach or to aid digestion after a large meal.

  7. After-Meal Application: After a heavy meal, apply DigestZen oil to the stomach area to promote a speedy digestion and relieve feelings of fullness.

  8. Cooling Digestive Blend: Combine DigestZen with peppermint essential oil and dilute with a carrier oil. Apply to the back of the neck for a cooling sensation and to aid digestion.

  9. For Regularity: If struggling with irregular bowel movements, take DigestZen internally or massage onto the lower abdomen to promote regularity.

  10. Enhance Water or Smoothies: Add a drop to your water or morning smoothie to aid in the digestion of food throughout the day and maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract.

essential emotions

Let's take a look at the emotional and spiritual benefits of DigestZen Essential Oil, followed by a discussion on the profound impact of essential oils on emotions through the lens of the limbic system and the brain.

Emotional Benefits

  1. Stress Relief: The blend can create a calming atmosphere, helping to alleviate feelings of stress or overwhelm, and grounding the user in the present moment.

  2. Mood Enhancement: Some of the oils in the blend, especially the floral and herbaceous ones, can uplift and invigorate the mood, driving away feelings of sadness or lethargy.

  3. Emotional Balance: Oils like Ylang Ylang in the blend promote equilibrium, helping to balance emotions, especially during periods of emotional turmoil or hormonal shifts.

  4. Increased Focus: The minty notes of Peppermint can help sharpen the mind, aiding concentration and focus, especially when one is feeling scattered or distracted.

  5. Comfort and Security: The soothing nature of this blend can instill feelings of comfort, nurturing, and safety, especially in times of emotional distress or vulnerability.

Spiritual Benefits  

  1. Deepened Meditation: Essential oils can aid in deepening meditation by promoting a calm environment, grounding the individual, and enhancing the connection to one's inner self.

  2. Connection to Higher Self: Certain scents are believed to foster a connection to one's higher self or the universe, enhancing spiritual awareness.

  3. Energetic Cleansing: Some essential oils are believed to cleanse the user's aura or energy field, removing negative energies and promoting positivity.

  4. Chakra Balancing: Oils can be used in chakra work, with different oils aligning with different chakras, aiding in the balance and flow of energy throughout the body.

  5. Enhanced Intuition: Some practitioners believe that essential oils can help in opening the third eye and enhancing intuitive abilities, making one more attuned to spiritual insights.

Why Essential Oils Impact Emotions Profoundly

The profound effects of essential oils on emotions can be traced back to the intricate workings of our brain, particularly the limbic system. Here's how:

  1. Limbic System Connection: The limbic system, which includes structures like the amygdala and the hippocampus, plays a crucial role in our emotional responses, memory, and motivation. When we inhale the aroma of an essential oil, the scent molecules travel up the nose and interact with olfactory receptors. These receptors send signals directly to the limbic system.

  2. Immediate Response: Given the direct pathway to the limbic system, the effects of essential oils on our emotions can be almost immediate. For instance, calming scents might quickly ease anxious feelings, while invigorating ones can provide an almost instant uplift in mood.

  3. Memory and Association: The hippocampus's role in memory means that certain aromas can evoke powerful emotional memories. A scent can take us back to a cherished memory, infusing us with the associated emotions.

  4. Hormonal Impact: The limbic system also influences the hypothalamus, which can trigger the release of hormones. Certain essential oils can, therefore, indirectly impact the release of hormones like serotonin or cortisol, further influencing our emotional state.

  5. Holistic Experience: Essential oils provide a holistic experience, harmonizing both physiological responses and psychological perceptions. Their multi-dimensional impact makes them a potent tool for emotional and spiritual wellness.


The inherent properties of individual essential oils, coupled with our personal memories and experiences, make each person's experience with an oil unique. As such, essential oils can be powerful tools in emotional wellness, aiding in relaxation, mood regulation, and overall emotional well-being.

digestzen oil affirmations

Using affirmations in conjunction with essential oils like DigestZen can enhance the overall experience, as the scent of the oil can anchor and reinforce the positive statements. Here are five affirmations tailored for use with DigestZen:

  1. "With each breath, I invite balance and harmony into my body, allowing for smooth digestion and optimal health."

  2. "I trust in my body's innate ability to process and heal, and I nourish it with positive thoughts and nature's gifts."

  3. "Every drop of DigestZen connects me to the rhythms of nature, reminding me of the ebb and flow in my own body and life."

  4. "Just as DigestZen soothes and harmonizes, so too does my mind find peace and alignment in every moment."

  5. "With gratitude, I embrace the support DigestZen provides, reaffirming my commitment to care for my body and spirit holistically."

Pairing these affirmations with the aromatic experience of DigestZen can create a powerful ritual that integrates both the physical and emotional aspects of well-being.

Created for you

doTERRA DigestZen Recipes

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