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Serenity Essential Oil Blend

Restful Blend

A Symphony of Tranquility

The doTERRA Serenity Oil Blend is an exquisite fusion of some of the most cherished and time-honored essential oils. Designed to evoke feelings of serenity and tranquility, this blend captures the very essence of relaxation, making it an indispensable ally in today's fast-paced world. With each drop, you are not just experiencing an oil but embarking on a sensory journey that harmonizes both body and soul.

From the gentle, calming embrace of Lavender to the grounding richness of Cedarwood, every ingredient has been chosen with meticulous care. The spiciness of Coriander dances harmoniously with the exotic sweetness of Ylang Ylang, while the warmth of Marjoram complements the soothing touch of Roman Chamomile. Vetiver adds depth with its earthy tones, and Sandalwood's woody notes echo the tranquility of a serene forest. The lush sweetness of Tonka Bean pairs delightfully with the deep, velvety allure of Vanilla Absolute. Together, these oils create a blend that is both harmonious and multi-dimensional, offering a holistic experience of peace and well-being. Experience the gentle embrace of serenity with doTERRA's masterpiece blend.

Single Oils: Lavender, Cedarwood, Coriander, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Vetiver, Sandalwood, Tonka Bean, Vanilla Absolute


Aromatic Description: Warm, herbal, floral

Experience unparalleled tranquility with doTERRA Serenity Oil Blend. Infused with a curated selection of nature's most calming essences like Lavender, Cedarwood, and Vanilla Absolute, this blend offers a holistic escape from life's hustle, promoting relaxation and well-being."

Take a Closer Look

Let's take a deeper dive into this blend and its single oils


With a distinct floral, sweet, and slightly herbaceous aroma, Lavender is often hailed as the go-to essential oil for relaxation. Widely appreciated for its calming and soothing properties, it's known to ease feelings of tension and promote a peaceful night's sleep.


Offering a warm, woody scent, Cedarwood is prized for its ability to ground and balance emotions. Its rich undertones often evoke feelings of comfort and stability, making it a preferred choice for stress relief and relaxation.


Boasting a spicy, woody, and slightly sweet aroma, Coriander is more than just a culinary delight. In the realm of aromatherapy, it's used for its invigorating and uplifting qualities, providing a subtle energy boost while still promoting relaxation.

Ylang Ylang:

Recognized for its rich, floral scent, Ylang Ylang is often utilized to combat feelings of stress and negativity. Its sweet, romantic fragrance can elevate the mood, encouraging feelings of joy and hopefulness.


Marjoram presents a warm, herbaceous aroma that is both comforting and calming. Valued for its calming properties, it's perfect for soothing the nerves and promoting a sense of well-being.

Roman Chamomile:

Known for its gentle, floral scent, Roman Chamomile is a beacon of relaxation. With its light and calming aroma, it's ideal for quieting restless minds and inducing a peaceful slumber.


Carrying an exotic, complex aroma that's often described as deeply grounding, Vetiver is a gem when it comes to tranquility. Its rich, smoky scent is renowned for calming the mind and body, often used as a support during meditation.


With a smooth, woody fragrance that's both sweet and rich, Sandalwood has been cherished for its grounding properties. It invokes feelings of serenity and clarity, making it a preferred choice for mindfulness practices and relaxation.

Tonka Bean:

Tonka Bean exudes a sweet, caramel-like aroma that's both comforting and uplifting. Its fragrance is reminiscent of vanilla but with a richer, almost balsamic undertone that adds a layer of warmth and depth to blends.

Vanilla Absolute:

Renowned for its warm, rich, and sweet aroma, Vanilla Absolute is the epitome of comfort. It's cherished not just for its delightful scent but also for its ability to evoke feelings of warmth, comfort, and serenity.

10 ways to use serenity
  1. Diffusion: Add a few drops of Serenity Oil to your diffuser to fill your home or office with its calming aroma, creating a peaceful and relaxed environment.

  2. Bedtime Ritual: Apply a drop or two to your pillow or bedding before sleep to promote a restful night and peaceful dreams.

  3. Massage: Dilute Serenity Oil with a carrier oil (like fractionated coconut oil) and massage into your skin to soothe tension and support relaxation.

  4. Bath Soak: Add a few drops of Serenity Oil to a warm bath along with Epsom salts for a tranquil bathing experience.

  5. Meditation Enhancer: Before starting a meditation or yoga session, apply a drop of Serenity Oil to your wrists or temples to enhance relaxation and focus.

  6. Topical Stress Relief: For moments of stress or anxious feelings, rub a few diluted drops onto your neck, chest, or back of the neck to promote calmness.

  7. Roller Blend: Combine Serenity Oil with a carrier oil in a roller bottle for easy application on the go. Roll it onto your pulse points when you need moments of peace during a hectic day.

  8. Room Spray: Create a calming room spray by combining Serenity Oil with water in a spray bottle. Mist your surroundings for immediate ambiance enhancement.

  9. Homemade Candles: Incorporate a few drops of Serenity Oil into homemade candles. As the candle burns, it will release the calming aroma into your environment.

  10. Laundry Freshener: Add a couple of drops to unscented dryer sheets or wool dryer balls to infuse your clothes with the serene aroma.

essential emotions

Let's take a look at the emotional and spiritual benefits of Serenity Essential Oil, followed by a discussion on the profound impact of essential oils on emotions through the lens of the limbic system and the brain.

Emotional Benefits

  1. Relaxation and Calm: The harmonious blend in Serenity Oil has a tranquilizing effect, helping to reduce feelings of stress, and restlessness.

  2. Mood Elevation: The aromatic compounds can uplift the spirit, combatting feelings of sadness or melancholy, and encouraging a positive mood.

  3. Enhanced Sleep: Many users find that the soothing aroma helps facilitate a deeper, more restful sleep, making it easier to both fall asleep and stay asleep.

  4. Emotional Balance: Serenity Oil can help balance emotional extremes, promoting feelings of centeredness during times of emotional upheaval.

  5. Reduction in Tension: The aromatic properties help to lessen feelings of tension and unease, promoting a more relaxed state of mind.

Spiritual Benefits  

  1. Enhanced Meditation: The grounding properties of certain components in Serenity Oil can aid in achieving deeper states of meditation, enhancing clarity and focus.

  2. Connection with Self: The blend fosters introspection, helping users to connect more deeply with their innermost feelings and intuition.

  3. Energetic Cleansing: Some believe that the aroma of Serenity Oil can help cleanse the aura or energy field, removing negative energies.

  4. Spiritual Grounding: Certain elements within Serenity Oil can offer spiritual grounding, anchoring individuals to the present moment and enhancing mindfulness practices.

  5. Sacred Space Creation: By diffusing or using Serenity Oil in one's environment, one can create a sacred, peaceful space conducive to prayer, reflection, or spiritual practices.

Why Essential Oils Impact Emotions Profoundly

The profound effects of essential oils on emotions can be traced back to the intricate workings of our brain, particularly the limbic system. Here's how:

  1. Limbic System Connection: The limbic system, which includes structures like the amygdala and the hippocampus, plays a crucial role in our emotional responses, memory, and motivation. When we inhale the aroma of an essential oil, the scent molecules travel up the nose and interact with olfactory receptors. These receptors send signals directly to the limbic system.

  2. Immediate Response: Given the direct pathway to the limbic system, the effects of essential oils on our emotions can be almost immediate. For instance, calming scents might quickly ease anxious feelings, while invigorating ones can provide an almost instant uplift in mood.

  3. Memory and Association: The hippocampus's role in memory means that certain aromas can evoke powerful emotional memories. A scent can take us back to a cherished memory, infusing us with the associated emotions.

  4. Hormonal Impact: The limbic system also influences the hypothalamus, which can trigger the release of hormones. Certain essential oils can, therefore, indirectly impact the release of hormones like serotonin or cortisol, further influencing our emotional state.

  5. Holistic Experience: Essential oils provide a holistic experience, harmonizing both physiological responses and psychological perceptions. Their multi-dimensional impact makes them a potent tool for emotional and spiritual wellness.


The inherent properties of individual essential oils, coupled with our personal memories and experiences, make each person's experience with an oil unique. As such, essential oils can be powerful tools in emotional wellness, aiding in relaxation, mood regulation, and overall emotional well-being.

serenity oil affirmations

Here are five affirmations to use alongside doTERRA Serenity Oil, to enhance its calming and grounding effects:

  1. "In this moment, I am enveloped in peace and calm. The world around me slows as I breathe in serenity and exhale stress."

  2. "Every drop of Serenity Oil connects me deeper to my inner oasis of tranquility, where all is well and harmonious."

  3. "As I apply this oil, I am reminded of the vast reservoir of calm within me. I am the embodiment of peace, no matter the external circumstances."

  4. "With each inhalation of Serenity's scent, I release tension and worries, choosing instead to dwell in a space of calm and contentment."

  5. "This oil is a tangible token of the serenity I carry within me. Today, I move forward with grace, peace, and unwavering calm."

By pairing the physical act of using the Serenity Oil with the mental and emotional affirmation, you can create a powerful ritual that solidifies your intention and amplifies the benefits you're seeking.

Created for you

doTERRA Serenity Recipes

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