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Rosemary Essential Oil


Rosemary essential oil has a long history of use dating back centuries and is derived from the aromatic herb Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), which is native to the Mediterranean region.



  1. Ancient Use: Rosemary has been used for thousands of years. It was highly regarded by ancient civilizations such as the Greeks and Romans. They believed that it improved memory and concentration, and it was often used in ceremonies and rituals.

  2. Medieval Europe: In medieval Europe, Rosemary was associated with love and fidelity. It was often used as a symbol of remembrance at weddings, funerals, and other important events. People would even hang Rosemary branches in their homes to ward off evil spirits.

  3. Medicinal Uses: Rosemary was used traditionally for a wide range of medicinal purposes, including as a digestive aid, a mild pain reliever, and as a treatment for respiratory conditions.

  4. Culinary Use: Rosemary is a popular culinary herb, known for its fragrant and slightly pine-like flavor. It is often used to season dishes, particularly those involving roasted meats and vegetables.

  5. Aromatherapy: Rosemary essential oil has been used in aromatherapy for its uplifting and invigorating scent, as well as its potential cognitive benefits.

Plant Description

  • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an evergreen herb that belongs to the mint family (Lamiaceae). It is known for its aromatic leaves, which are used in cooking and for extracting essential oil.

  • The plant typically grows to a height of 2 to 6 feet (0.6 to 1.8 meters) and has needle-like, narrow leaves that are dark green on top and white or silver underneath.

  • Rosemary produces small, two-lipped, pale blue to white flowers that are attractive to pollinators like bees.

  • It prefers well-drained, sandy soil and plenty of sunlight and is commonly found in Mediterranean climates.

Rosemary Essential Oil

  • Rosemary essential oil is obtained through steam distillation of the leaves and flowering tops of the Rosemary plant.

  • The oil has a strong, woody, herbal scent with a hint of camphor.

  • It is used in aromatherapy for its stimulating and uplifting properties and is believed to enhance mental clarity and focus.

  • In addition to its aromatic uses, Rosemary essential oil has various potential health benefits. It's also used in hair care products for its reputed ability to promote hair growth and scalp health.

DōTERRA Rosemary Essential Oil: Unlock the Power of Nature. Our premium Rosemary essential oil, sourced from the finest Rosmarinus officinalis plants, offers a refreshing and invigorating aroma. With a rich history of traditional use, DōTERRA Rosemary Essential Oil may support mental clarity and focus. Discover the natural essence of Rosemary for a revitalizing experience. Elevate your well-being with DōTERRA's pure and therapeutic-grade Rosemary Essential Oil today.
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Take a Closer Look


Steam Distillation



Camphoraceous, Herbaceous



Labiatae (mint)



Flower, Leaf


  1. Diffusion:  Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.

  2. Internal: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid. 

  3. Topical Use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.


  • Rub on bottom of your feet or stomach to help with digestion. 

  • Diffuse Rosemary, or apply topically to help reduce tension, stress, and fatigue. 

  • Add 1-2 drops of Rosemary essential oil to meats and favorite entrees. 


  • Discomfort Management: Rosemary essential oil may help alleviate muscle and joint tension when applied topically due to its soothing properties.

  • Respiratory Support: Inhalation of Rosemary oil may provide relief from respiratory issues like stuffiness and irritated throat by helping to clear airways.

  • Hair Health: Rosemary oil is often used in hair care products and may help promote hair growth, strengthen hair, and improve scalp health.

  • Skin Care: It has soothing and antioxidant properties that can aid in maintaining healthy skin and reducing the appearance of blemishes.

  • Digestive Aid: Rosemary oil may assist with indigestion and digestive discomfort when used in massage or diluted for topical application on the abdomen.

  • Menstruation: Some women find relief from menstrual cramps and discomfort by massaging Rosemary oil diluted with a carrier oil onto the lower abdomen.

  • Circulation Enhancement: It may help stimulate blood circulation, which can be beneficial for overall cardiovascular health.

  • Tension Relief: Inhaling the scent of Rosemary essential oil or applying it topically (diluted) to the temples may provide relief from head tension.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and other sensitive areas.

10 ways to use rosemary oil
  1. Aromatherapy: Diffuse Rosemary oil in an essential oil diffuser to enjoy its invigorating and uplifting aroma, which can help improve mental clarity and concentration.

  2. Massage Oil: Dilute Rosemary essential oil with a carrier oil (like coconut oil or sweet almond oil) and use it for a revitalizing massage to relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation.

  3. Hair Care: Add a few drops of Rosemary oil to your shampoo or conditioner to promote hair growth, strengthen hair, and improve scalp health. You can also massage diluted Rosemary oil into your scalp.

  4. Steam Inhalation: For respiratory relief, add a few drops of Rosemary oil to a bowl of hot water, cover your head with a towel, and inhale the steam to help clear stuffiness and ease breathing.

  5. Topical Application: Dilute Rosemary oil with a carrier oil and apply it topically to areas of muscle or joint discomfort for tension relief.

  6. Skin Care: Mix Rosemary oil with a carrier oil and apply it to your skin to help with blemishes, minor irritations, and to promote healthy skin.

  7. DIY Cleaning Products: Add Rosemary oil to your homemade cleaning solutions for its cleansing properties and pleasant scent. It can help clean surfaces naturally.

  8. Scalp Treatment: Create a nourishing scalp treatment by blending Rosemary oil with a carrier oil and massaging it into your scalp to improve circulation and promote hair health.

  9. Homemade Candles: Infuse your homemade candles with Rosemary oil to enjoy its aromatic benefits when you light them.

  10. Cooking: Use a small amount of Rosemary oil to flavor your culinary creations. It can enhance the taste of roasted meats, vegetables, and sauces.

diy recipes with rosemary oil

1. Rosemary and Lavender Hair Growth Serum

  • Ingredients:

    • 2 tablespoons Jojoba oil

    • 2 tablespoons Castor oil

    • 5 drops Rosemary essential oil

    • 5 drops Lavender essential oil

  • Instructions:

    1. Mix all the oils together in a small glass bottle.

    2. Apply a few drops to your scalp and massage it in.

    3. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes (or overnight) before shampooing.

2. Rosemary and Eucalyptus Sinus Steam

  • Ingredients:

    • A bowl of hot water

    • 2 drops Rosemary essential oil

    • 2 drops Eucalyptus essential oil

  • Instructions:

    1. Fill a bowl with hot water.

    2. Add the essential oils to the hot water.

    3. Lean over the bowl, cover your head with a towel, and inhale the steam to relieve congestion.

3. Rosemary and Lemon All-Purpose Cleaner

  • Ingredients:

    • 1 cup distilled water

    • 1 cup white vinegar

    • 15 drops Rosemary essential oil

    • 10 drops Lemon essential oil

  • Instructions:

    1. Mix all the ingredients in a spray bottle.

    2. Shake well before each use and use it as an effective, natural all-purpose cleaner.

4. Rosemary and Peppermint Energizing Body Scrub

  • Ingredients:

    • 1 cup Epsom salt or sea salt

    • 1/2 cup coconut oil (melted)

    • 10 drops Rosemary essential oil

    • 10 drops Peppermint essential oil

  • Instructions:

    1. Mix the salt and melted coconut oil in a bowl.

    2. Add the essential oils and blend thoroughly.

    3. Use the scrub in the shower to exfoliate and invigorate your skin.

5. Rosemary and Frankincense Anti-Aging Face Serum

  • Ingredients

    • 1 oz (30 ml) Jojoba oil or Rosehip seed oil

    • 5 drops Rosemary essential oil

    • 5 drops Frankincense essential oil

    • 5 drops Lavender essential oil

  • Instructions:

    1. Combine all the oils in a dark glass dropper bottle.

    2. Apply a few drops to your face and neck after cleansing for a rejuvenating and moisturizing effect.

Experience natural hair growth with our DIY Rosemary and Lavender Hair Growth Serum. This blend of nourishing oils, including Jojoba and Castor oil, infused with Rosemary and Lavender essential oils, stimulates your scalp and promotes healthier, thicker hair
Breathe easy with our Rosemary and Eucalyptus Sinus Steam recipe. Inhale the soothing steam infused with these essential oils to relieve congestion and sinus discomfort. A natural remedy for clear breathing
Embrace eco-friendly cleaning with our Rosemary and Lemon All-Purpose Cleaner. This simple DIY blend of Rosemary and Lemon essential oils with distilled water and vinegar creates a powerful, safe, and fresh-smelling cleaning solution for your home
Revitalize your skin and senses with our Rosemary and Peppermint Energizing Body Scrub. This invigorating homemade scrub, featuring Epsom salt, coconut oil, and essential oils, leaves your skin feeling refreshed and renewed
Rejuvenate your skin naturally with our Rosemary and Frankincense Anti-Aging Face Serum. Crafted with premium oils like Jojoba and enriched with Rosemary, Frankincense, and Lavender essential oils, this serum helps combat the signs of aging, leaving your skin radiant and youthful.
essential emotions & spirituality


Emotional Benefits

  1. Mental Clarity: The invigorating aroma of Rosemary oil is believed to help clear the mind, improve mental alertness, and enhance cognitive function.

  2. Stress Reduction: Inhaling Rosemary oil may help reduce stress and anxious feelings, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.

  3. Uplifting: The uplifting scent of Rosemary can improve mood and combat feelings of fatigue or low energy.

  4. Confidence Boost: Some individuals find that Rosemary oil's stimulating properties help boost self-confidence and motivation.

  5. Emotional Balance: Rosemary essential oil may assist in balancing emotions and promoting a positive outlook on life.

Spiritual Benefits

  1. Cleansing: In some spiritual practices, Rosemary is used for energetic cleansing and purification of spaces, objects, or individuals.

  2. Protection: Rosemary has historically been associated with protection from negative energies and is often used as an herb for rituals or as an essential oil for anointing.

  3. Meditation Aid: The scent of Rosemary can be conducive to meditation, helping individuals focus their thoughts and intentions during spiritual practices.

  4. Enhanced Awareness: Rosemary oil is believed to heighten spiritual awareness and intuition, making it useful in rituals or ceremonies.

  5. Connection: Some individuals use Rosemary as a tool for connecting with their inner selves or higher spiritual realms during meditation or prayer.


Negative Emotions: Confusion, difficulty adjusting or transitioning, ignorance, difficulties with learning


Positive Properties: Mental clarity, knowledgeable, teachable, inspired, open to new experiences

rosemary oil affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that can be used in conjunction with various practices, including aromatherapy with Rosemary essential oil, to enhance your mindset and well-being. Here are five affirmations you can use while diffusing or applying Rosemary oil:

  1. "I am focused and alert, ready to tackle any challenge that comes my way."

    • Inhale the scent of Rosemary oil while repeating this affirmation to boost mental clarity and concentration.

  2. "I am filled with energy and vitality, ready to seize the day."

    • Use Rosemary oil in your morning routine to enhance your sense of vigor and motivation.

  3. "I am confident in my abilities and trust in my decisions."

    • Inhale Rosemary oil's invigorating aroma while affirming your self-assurance and inner strength.

  4. "I am in perfect harmony with my body, nurturing it with love and care."

    • Mix Rosemary oil with a carrier oil and use it for a self-massage while repeating this affirmation for a sense of physical well-being.

  5. "I am open to new ideas and creative inspiration."

    • Diffuse Rosemary oil in your workspace while affirming your receptiveness to fresh ideas and innovative thinking.


Remember that affirmations can be a powerful tool for shifting your mindset and improving your outlook on life. Using them in conjunction with Rosemary oil can create a sensory experience that reinforces positive thinking and mental clarity.

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