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Cinnamon Essential Oil

Cinnamon essential oil, derived from Cinnamomum zeylanicum (also known as Cinnamomum verum or "true cinnamon"), has a long and storied history. 


Historical Significance

  1. Ancient Civilizations: Cinnamon has been used for thousands of years in various cultures. It is believed to have been used in ancient Egypt for embalming purposes and as a flavoring for beverages. It was also mentioned in the Old Testament as an ingredient in holy anointing oil.

  2. Ancient Trade: Cinnamon was highly valued in the ancient world and was one of the spices that drove the spice trade. It was originally sourced from Sri Lanka (formerly known as Ceylon), which was the primary producer of "true cinnamon." The spice was so coveted that it was often transported along the famous Silk Road.

  3. Medicinal Uses: Cinnamon has been used in traditional medicine systems, such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, for its various health benefits. It was believed to have properties that could aid digestion and treat a variety of ailments.

  4. Flavor and Aromatics: Cinnamon has been prized for its sweet and warm aroma. It was used to flavor foods and beverages, and it remains a popular spice in many cuisines today.


Plant Description

  1. Botanical Characteristics: Cinnamomum zeylanicum is a small evergreen tree belonging to the Lauraceae family. It is native to Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) but is also cultivated in other tropical regions, including India, Indonesia, and Madagascar.

  2. Leaves: The leaves of the Cinnamomum zeylanicum tree are oval-shaped, leathery, and dark green in color. They are aromatic and contain essential oils, though the oil content is higher in the bark.

  3. Bark: The inner bark of the tree is what is primarily used to produce cinnamon. It is harvested by carefully removing the outer bark and scraping off the inner bark, which curls into cinnamon quills as it dries. This inner bark is then ground to make cinnamon powder or distilled to produce cinnamon essential oil.

  4. Flowers and Fruits: The tree produces small yellowish flowers that are inconspicuous. The fruits are small, berry-like, and purplish in color. However, the primary interest in this tree is its bark and leaves.

Discover the aromatic warmth and potential health benefits of doTERRA Cinnamon Essential Oil. With its sweet and spicy scent, this high-quality essential oil can be used in aromatherapy, cooking, and more. Explore its uses and benefits today
Discover the aromatic warmth and potential health benefits of doTERRA Cinnamon Essential Oil. With its sweet and spicy scent, this high-quality essential oil can be used in aromatherapy, cooking, and more. Explore its uses and benefits today!

Take a Closer Look


Steam Distillation



Spicy, Wood, with a Sweet, Biting Note



Lauraceae (laurel)






  1. Diffusion:  Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.

  2. Internal: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid. 

  3. Topical Use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.



  • Put 2 drops in empty veggie capsule for immune support. 

  • Place 1 drop of Cinnamon essential oil in hot water or tea and drink slowly to soothe the throat. 

  • Put 2-3 drops in a spray bottle for a quick and effective cleaning spray. 

  • Place one drop on your toothbrush then add toothpaste. 

  • Dilute with Fractionated Coconut Oil then apply to cold, achy joints during winter time. 


  • Oral Health: Cinnamon oil may help support your oral health when applied topically (diluted) or used as a mouthwash.

  • Healthy Inflammatory Response: Cinnamon oil may help support healthy inflammatory responses when applied to the skin or when used internally.

  • Discomfort Relief: It may provide relief from muscle and joint tension when diluted and used for massages.

  • Improved Circulation: Cinnamon oil is believed to promote better blood circulation, potentially benefiting cardiovascular health.

  • Digestive Aid: It can be used to relieve digestive discomfort and support healthy digestion when diluted and applied to the abdomen.

  • Respiratory Health: Inhalation of cinnamon oil vapor may help alleviate respiratory issues and stuffiness.

  • Skin Health: The oil's soothing properties can be helpful for skin issues when properly diluted and applied.



Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and other sensitive areas.

10 ways to use cinnamon oil
  1. Natural Air Freshener: Add a few drops of cinnamon oil to a bowl of water and place it in a room for a natural and aromatic air freshener.

  2. Homemade Candles: Make your own scented candles by adding cinnamon oil to melted candle wax for a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

  3. Foot Soak: Create a warming foot soak by adding a few drops of cinnamon oil to a basin of warm water. Soak your feet to relax and improve circulation.

  4. Cooking and Baking: Use a tiny drop of cinnamon oil to add a burst of flavor to your dishes, such as oatmeal, coffee, or baked goods. Be cautious as it is highly concentrated.

  5. Linen Spray: Mix cinnamon oil with water in a spray bottle and lightly mist your bed linens for a comforting and soothing bedtime environment.

  6. DIY Potpourri: Combine cinnamon oil with dried flowers, citrus peels, and other fragrant elements to create your own potpourri.

  7. Massage Oil: Dilute cinnamon oil with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba and use it for a warming and invigorating massage.

  8. Homemade Perfume: Create your own unique perfume by blending cinnamon oil with other essential oils and a carrier oil. Adjust the concentration to your preference.

  9. DIY Cleaning Products: Add a few drops of cinnamon oil to your homemade cleaning solutions to add a pleasant scent and take advantage of its cleansing properties.

  10. Diffuser Jewelry: Apply a drop of cinnamon oil to room diffuser jewelry, such as necklaces or bracelets, to enjoy the aroma throughout the day.

10 ways to use cinnamon oil

1. Warming Cinnamon and Vanilla Body Scrub

  • 1 cup granulated sugar

  • 1/4 cup carrier oil (e.g., coconut, almond, or jojoba)

  • 10 drops cinnamon essential oil

  • 5 drops vanilla essential oil


  1. In a bowl, mix the sugar and carrier oil until you achieve a scrub-like consistency.

  2. Add the cinnamon and vanilla essential oils and blend well.

  3. Use this fragrant scrub in the shower to exfoliate your skin and leave it feeling soft and smelling delicious.



2. Wild Orange and Cinnamon Room Spray

  • 1/2 cup distilled water

  • 1/2 cup witch hazel or vodka

  • 10 drops wild orange essential oil

  • 5 drops cinnamon essential oil


  1. Combine the distilled water and witch hazel (or vodka) in a spray bottle.

  2. Add the wild orange and cinnamon essential oils and shake well.

  3. Use this homemade room spray to refresh your living space with a delightful and invigorating scent.



3. Spiced Vanilla Diffuser Blend

  • 3 drops cinnamon essential oil

  • 3 drops vanilla essential oil

  • 2 drops clove essential oil


  1. Combine the essential oils in a diffuser.

  2. Diffuse this blend in your home to create a warm and cozy atmosphere during cooler months.



4. Cinnamon and Lavender Relaxing Bath Salts

  • 1 cup Epsom salt

  • 1/4 cup baking soda

  • 10 drops lavender essential oil

  • 5 drops cinnamon essential oil


  1. Mix the Epsom salt and baking soda in a bowl.

  2. Add the lavender and cinnamon essential oils and blend well.

  3. Pour the mixture into a warm bath to unwind and relax.



5. Citrus Spice Hand Soap

  • 1/4 cup liquid castile soap

  • 1/4 cup distilled water

  • 1 tablespoon vitamin E oil (optional)

  • 10 drops wild orange essential oil

  • 5 drops cinnamon essential oil

  • 5 drops clove essential oil


  1. In a pump dispenser bottle, combine the castile soap, distilled water, and vitamin E oil (if using).

  2. Add the wild orange, cinnamon, and clove essential oils, and shake well.

  3. Use this fragrant hand soap to cleanse your hands with a delightful, spicy citrus scent.

Indulge in a homemade body scrub featuring the comforting scent of cinnamon and vanilla. This DIY recipe combines granulated sugar, nourishing carrier oils, and essential oils for a luxurious exfoliating experience.
Transform your living space with a delightful aroma. Our DIY room spray blends the zesty scent of wild orange with the warm and inviting notes of cinnamon, creating an energizing and refreshing atmosphere
Elevate your home's ambiance with our Spiced Vanilla Diffuser Blend. A harmonious combination of cinnamon, vanilla, and clove essential oils creates a cozy and inviting scent perfect for any season
Pamper yourself with a soothing bath using our Cinnamon and Lavender Relaxing Bath Salts. Epsom salt, baking soda, and essential oils come together to provide relaxation and rejuvenation
Experience the invigorating fusion of citrus and spice in our DIY Citrus Spice Hand Soap. This easy-to-make hand soap combines wild orange, cinnamon, and clove essential oils for a refreshing and cleansing experience.
essential emotions & spirituality

Cinnamon - The oil of Sexual Harmony

Cinnamon assists you in accepting your body and embracing your physical attractiveness. Cinnamon dispels fear of rejection and nurtures healthy sexuality. It rekindles sexual energies when there has been repression, trauma or abuse. It can also bring clarity to those who struggle with their sexual identity.


Emotional Benefits

  1. Enhanced Confidence: Cinnamon oil is believed by some to help boost self-confidence and self-assuredness, promoting a sense of empowerment.

  2. Mood Upliftment: Its warm and spicy aroma is thought to have mood-enhancing qualities, potentially helping to alleviate feelings of sadness or lethargy.

  3. Increased Motivation: Cinnamon oil may be used to increase motivation and enthusiasm, aiding in productivity and goal setting.

  4. Emotional Warmth: The oil's comforting scent can create a feeling of emotional warmth and security, making it a popular choice during colder months.

  5. Sensuality and Passion: Cinnamon oil is sometimes associated with sensuality and passion, contributing to feelings of intimacy and desire.


Spiritual Benefits

  1. Energizing Aura: In some spiritual practices, cinnamon oil is believed to help cleanse and revitalize the aura, promoting positive energy flow.

  2. Spiritual Awareness: Its warming and stimulating properties are thought to enhance spiritual awareness and insight during meditation or contemplation.

  3. Protection and Grounding: Cinnamon oil is used by some to provide protection against negative energies and to help ground and center oneself.

  4. Purification: It is sometimes used in purification rituals to clear spaces of stagnant or negative energy.

  5. Connection with Inner Self: The aroma of cinnamon oil is said to aid in connecting with one's inner self, helping to facilitate self-discovery and personal growth.


Negative Emotions: Body rejection, fear, controlling, jealousy, sexual abuse, sexual repression or over-active sexuality


Positive Properties: Body-acceptance, attractive, accepted, healthy sexuality, harmonious, intimacy


Don't have this oil?

Substitutes may include:

Cassia, Cypress, Frankincense, Harvest Spice or Wintergreen

cinnamon oil affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that can be used to enhance your mindset and overall well-being. Combining affirmations with the use of cinnamon essential oil can create a holistic and uplifting self-care practice. Here are five affirmations along with reasons why combining them with cinnamon oil can be beneficial:


  1. Affirmation: "I am filled with confidence and self-assuredness."

    • Benefits: Cinnamon oil is associated with enhancing self-confidence. Inhaling its warm aroma while repeating this affirmation can help reinforce a positive self-image and boost your self-esteem.

  2. Affirmation: "I am energized and motivated to achieve my goals."

    • Benefits: Cinnamon oil's stimulating properties can help increase motivation. Using this affirmation with the oil can provide an extra mental boost to tackle tasks and stay focused on your aspirations.

  3. Affirmation: "I am surrounded by positive energy and protection."

    • Benefits: Cinnamon oil is believed to provide protection against negative energies. Repeating this affirmation can create a sense of security and positivity in your environment.

  4. Affirmation: "I am at peace with my inner self and connected to my spiritual essence."

    • Benefits: Cinnamon oil is sometimes associated with enhancing spiritual awareness. This affirmation can complement the oil's effects, helping you feel more in tune with your inner self and spirituality.

  5. Affirmation: "I am in perfect harmony with my emotions and desires."

    • Benefits: Cinnamon oil is sometimes linked to sensuality and passion. Combining this affirmation with the oil can promote a sense of emotional balance and connection with your desires and feelings.


The combination of affirmations and the use of cinnamon oil can create a powerful ritual for self-improvement and well-being. The affirmations help shape your mindset and focus your intentions, while the aromatic properties of cinnamon oil can enhance the emotional and sensory experience, making the affirmations more potent. Remember that the effectiveness of these practices can vary from person to person, and it's essential to personalize them to your own beliefs and needs.

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