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Citronella Essential Oil

Cymbopogon winterianus, commonly known as Citronella grass, is a fragrant tropical grass native to Southeast Asia, particularly in countries like Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Java. It is renowned for its essential oil, which is extracted from its leaves and stems. 


Historical Significance

  1. Traditional Medicine: Citronella has a long history of use in traditional medicine in the regions where it is native. It has been used to help support various ailments, including digestive issues, temperature, and as a mild sedative.

  2. Insect Repellent: Citronella's most famous use is as an insect repellent. Traditional cultures in Southeast Asia used crushed Citronella leaves to deter mosquitoes and other biting insects. It was also used in candles and incense to keep insects away.

  3. Aromatic and Culinary Uses: Citronella's lemony fragrance has led to its use in perfumes, soaps, and cosmetics. In some cuisines, the leaves are used to add flavor to dishes.


Plant Description

  1. Appearance: Citronella grass is a tall, perennial grass that can reach heights of up to 2 meters (6.5 feet). It has slender, green leaves that are about 1 to 2 centimeters (0.4 to 0.8 inches) wide.

  2. Fragrance: The plant is known for its strong lemon-like fragrance, which is released when its leaves are crushed or bruised. This aroma is due to the presence of essential oils in the plant.

  3. Cultivation: Citronella grass thrives in tropical and subtropical climates with plenty of sunlight and well-drained soil. It is often cultivated as a commercial crop for the production of Citronella essential oil.

  4. Essential Oil: The essential oil is extracted from the grass's leaves and stems through steam distillation. It is pale yellow to brownish in color and has a fresh, citrusy scent. This oil is rich in citronellal and citronellol, which are the compounds responsible for its insect-repelling properties.

  5. Propagation: Citronella grass is propagated through division or from stem cuttings. It is a hardy plant and can grow quickly under favorable conditions.


Today, Citronella essential oil is widely used in the production of insect repellents, candles, and various aromatherapy products. Its historical use as a natural insect repellent continues to be one of its most prominent applications.


Discover the natural power of doTERRA Citronella essential oil. Our premium, pure Citronella oil is sourced from the finest ingredients, providing you with a fresh and invigorating aroma. Citronella oil is renowned for its insect-repelling properties, making it an essential addition to your outdoor adventures. Experience the benefits of this versatile oil in aromatherapy, or use it to create DIY natural insect repellents. Elevate your well-being with doTERRA Citronella, your go-to solution for a bug-free, aromatic sanctuary. Shop now for the best in pure essential oils.
Discover the natural power of doTERRA Citronella essential oil. Our premium, pure Citronella oil is sourced from the finest ingredients, providing you with a fresh and invigorating aroma. Citronella oil is renowned for its insect-repelling properties, making it an essential addition to your outdoor adventures. Experience the benefits of this versatile oil in aromatherapy, or use it to create DIY natural insect repellents. Elevate your well-being with doTERRA Citronella, your go-to solution for a bug-free, aromatic sanctuary. Shop now for the best in pure essential oils

Take a Closer Look


Steam Distillation



Sweet, floral, citrusy



Cymbopogon winterianus





  1. Aromatic use: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.

  2. Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area.



  • Diffuse to ward off insects, especially mosquitoes.

  • Combine with carrier oil and rub onto skin as a topical insect repellent.

  • Mix with water in a spray bottle and spritz onto surfaces as a natural surface cleanser.

  • Diffuse to promote a cheery, optimistic environment.

  • Use in shampoo and conditioner to boost cleansing while adding shine


  • Insect Repellent: Citronella is well-known for its ability to repel insects, making it a great natural alternative to chemical-based repellents.

  • Discomfort Relief: It has soothing properties that can help reduce tension, whether it's due to muscle aches, joint discomfort, or head tension.

  • Skin Irritations: Citronella oil can help reduce redness, making it useful against skin irritations.

  • Healthy Nails: Citronella oil may help support healthy nails.

  • Deodorant: Its fresh, lemony scent can be used as a natural deodorant, helping to control body odor.

  • Muscle Relaxation: Massaging diluted Citronella oil onto sore muscles can help relax them and relieve tension.

  • Body Temperature:  Citronella oil may help lower the body temperature, when used in a compress or diluted in a carrier oil and applied to the skin.

  • Respiratory Support: Inhaling Citronella oil's aroma may provide relief from respiratory issues like stuffiness and chest irritation.




Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

10 ways to use citronella oil
  1. Natural Insect Repellent: Create a homemade insect repellent by diluting Citronella oil with a carrier oil (like coconut or jojoba) and applying it to exposed skin. Alternatively, you can add a few drops to your favorite unscented lotion or spray.

  2. Outdoor Diffuser: Use a diffuser on your patio, deck, or outdoor space to help keep insects at bay during warm evenings. Add a few drops of Citronella oil to the diffuser for a pleasant outdoor atmosphere.

  3. Candle-Making: Incorporate Citronella oil into homemade candle recipes to create insect-repelling candles for outdoor gatherings.

  4. Room Spray: Mix Citronella oil with water in a spray bottle and use it as a room or linen spray to freshen up your living spaces and deter insects.

  5. Massage Oil: Dilute Citronella oil with a carrier oil and use it for a soothing and insect-repelling massage oil. It can help ease muscle tension and promote relaxation.

  6. Aromatherapy: Inhale the uplifting aroma of Citronella oil by adding a few drops to your diffuser or a bowl of hot water. It can boost your mood and reduce stress.

  7. Homemade Soap: Incorporate Citronella oil into your homemade soap recipes for a refreshing and cleansing shower experience.

  8. Laundry Booster: Add a few drops of Citronella oil to your laundry detergent or dryer balls when doing your outdoor clothing or camping gear wash. This can help deter insects from being attracted to your clothes during outdoor activities. Plus, it leaves your garments with a fresh, citrusy scent.

  9. Hair and Skin Care: Add a drop or two of Citronella oil to your shampoo, conditioner, or body wash for a fresh, invigorating scent.

  10. Spiritual and Meditation Practices: Use Citronella oil in your meditation space to promote mental clarity and spiritual awareness. Its aroma can help create a serene environment for introspection.

diy recipes with citronella oil

1. Citronella and Lemongrass Outdoor Spray

  • 10 drops Citronella essential oil

  • 5 drops Lemongrass essential oil

  • 5 drops Eucalyptus essential oil

  • 1 tablespoon witch hazel or vodka

  • 1 cup distilled water

Combine all the ingredients in a spray bottle. Shake well before each use and apply to exposed skin and clothing for a natural outdoor spray that repels insects.




2. Citronella and Lavender Diffuser Blend

  • 5 drops Citronella essential oil

  • 3 drops Lavender essential oil

  • 2 drops Peppermint essential oil

Mix the essential oils and add them to your diffuser. This blend creates a refreshing and insect-repelling aroma for your living spaces.




3. Citronella and Tea Tree Soap

  • 10 drops Citronella essential oil

  • 10 drops Tea Tree essential oil

  • Unscented liquid soap or castile soap

Add the essential oils to a bottle of unscented liquid soap or castile soap. Shake well to mix. Use this soap for handwashing, showering, or as a natural insect-repelling body wash.




4. Citronella and Cedarwood Outdoor Candle

  • 1 cup soy wax flakes

  • 10 drops Citronella essential oil

  • 5 drops Cedarwood essential oil

  • Candle wick and container

Melt the soy wax flakes and add the essential oils. Pour the mixture into a candle container with a wick. Allow it to cool and solidify, creating a natural outdoor candle with insect-repelling properties.




5. Citronella and Rosemary Hair Rinse

  • 5 drops Citronella essential oil

  • 5 drops Rosemary essential oil

  • 2 cups warm water

Mix the essential oils with warm water. After shampooing and conditioning your hair, use this mixture as a final hair rinse. It can help refresh your scalp and hair while potentially deterring insects.

essential emotions & spirituality

Citronella - The Oil of Averting

Discover the natural power of doTERRA Citronella essential oil. Our premium, pure Citronella oil is sourced from the finest ingredients, providing you with a fresh and invigorating aroma. Citronella oil is renowned for its insect-repelling properties, making it an essential addition to your outdoor adventures. Experience the benefits of this versatile oil in aromatherapy, or use it to create DIY natural insect repellents. Elevate your well-being with doTERRA Citronella, your go-to solution for a bug-free, aromatic sanctuary. Shop now for the best in pure essential oils.

Emotional Benefits

  1. Stress Reduction: Inhaling the fresh and uplifting scent of Citronella oil can help reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calm.

  2. Mood Enhancement: Citronella's bright and citrusy aroma can lift your spirits and enhance your mood, making it a valuable tool for combating feelings of sadness or low energy.

  3. Emotional Balance: It can help balance emotions and provide emotional stability, especially during times of emotional turmoil or when you're feeling overwhelmed.

  4. Mental Clarity: Citronella oil's refreshing aroma can clear mental fog and improve focus and concentration, aiding in mental clarity and decision-making.

  5. Relaxation: Diffusing Citronella oil in your space or adding it to a bath can promote relaxation and a sense of tranquility, helping you unwind after a long day.


Spiritual Benefits

  1. Purification: Citronella oil has been traditionally used for purification rituals, both physically and energetically, helping to cleanse and purify spaces and energies.

  2. Protection: It is believed to offer spiritual protection, shielding one from negative energies and psychic attacks when used in meditation or ritual work.

  3. Spiritual Awareness: Citronella's aromatic properties can enhance spiritual awareness, making it easier to connect with your inner self during meditation and self-reflection.

  4. Enhanced Meditation: Diffusing Citronella oil during meditation can create a conducive environment for deeper and more meaningful spiritual experiences.

  5. Emotional Release: Some practitioners use Citronella oil to aid in emotional release and forgiveness rituals, helping to let go of past traumas and negative emotions.

essential emotions & spirituality

Affirmations are a powerful way to channel positive energy and intentions. When combined with the aroma of Citronella oil, they can create a refreshing and invigorating atmosphere. Here are five affirmations to use with Citronella oil:


  1. Insect-Repelling Affirmation: As I inhale the scent of Citronella, I am shielded from unwanted pests. I am safe and protected in this space.

  2. Calm and Centering Affirmation: With each breath of Citronella's lemony essence, I find inner peace and balance. I release stress and embrace serenity.

  3. Energy and Vitality Affirmation: Citronella's uplifting aroma fills me with renewed energy and vitality. I am ready to embrace each day with enthusiasm.

  4. Spiritual Connection Affirmation: Surrounded by the scent of Citronella, I open myself to higher spiritual realms. I am in tune with my inner wisdom and intuition.

  5. Joyful and Positive Affirmation: Citronella's citrusy fragrance uplifts my spirits. I am filled with joy, positivity, and a sense of gratitude for each moment.


To use these affirmations, find a quiet and comfortable space, and diffuse Citronella oil in your preferred way (e.g., with a diffuser or by inhaling it from a tissue). As you inhale the scent, repeat the chosen affirmation to yourself, focusing on its positive message and allowing the aroma to enhance your emotional and mental state.

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