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Jasmine Essential Oil

Discover the pure and exquisite essence of doTERRA's Jasmine Essential Oil. Extracted from the delicate petals of handpicked jasmine flowers, our premium-quality oil offers a captivating, floral aroma that uplifts the senses and promotes relaxation. With its versatile applications in aromatherapy and skincare, doTERRA's Jasmine Essential Oil is your key to unlocking a world of natural well-being and beauty. Immerse yourself in the soothing embrace of this cherished oil and experience the transformative power of nature's finest. Shop now for the essence of pure luxury.

Jasmine essential oil is derived from the flowers of the jasmine plant, primarily Jasmine officinale and Jasminum grandiflorum. Here's a brief overview of the history and plant description of jasmine:


Plant Description

  • Genus and Species: Jasmine, a member of the Oleaceae family, encompasses various species and cultivars, with the most common being Jasmine officinale and Jasminum grandiflorum.

  • Appearance: Jasmine plants are typically woody shrubs or climbing vines that can reach heights of up to 10-15 feet. They have dark green, glossy leaves arranged alternately along their stems.

  • Flowers: Jasmine is renowned for its highly fragrant and delicate white or ivory-colored flowers. These flowers are usually star-shaped and have five or more petals. They emit a sweet, floral scent, especially in the evening.

  • Habitat: Jasmine plants are native to tropical and subtropical regions, particularly in South Asia and Southeast Asia. They thrive in warm, humid climates and are often cultivated for their ornamental beauty and fragrant blooms.



  • Ancient Origins: Jasmine has a long history of cultivation and use that dates back thousands of years. It is believed to have originated in the Himalayas of South Asia and was highly regarded in ancient Indian, Chinese, and Persian cultures.

  • Symbolism: In many cultures, jasmine is associated with love, beauty, and purity. It often plays a role in weddings, religious ceremonies, and perfumery.

  • Perfumery: Jasmine's exquisite fragrance has made it a prized ingredient in the world of perfumery for centuries. The use of jasmine in perfumes can be traced back to ancient Egypt and India. It is considered one of the most valuable and expensive essential oils due to the large quantity of flowers required to produce a small amount of oil.

  • Medicinal and Traditional Uses: In traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, various parts of the jasmine plant have been used to treat various ailments. The flowers are believed to have calming and soothing properties.

  • Cultural Significance: Jasmine holds cultural significance in several countries, including India, where it is the national flower, and Thailand, where it is one of the three auspicious flowers. In these countries, jasmine garlands are commonly worn, especially by women, as a symbol of beauty and grace.


In summary, jasmine essential oil is derived from the fragrant flowers of the jasmine plant, which has a rich history dating back to ancient civilizations. It is known for its beautiful white flowers and its association with love, beauty, and purity in various cultures around the world.

Discover the pure and exquisite essence of doTERRA's Jasmine Essential Oil. Extracted from the delicate petals of handpicked jasmine flowers, our premium-quality oil offers a captivating, floral aroma that uplifts the senses and promotes relaxation. With its versatile applications in aromatherapy and skincare, doTERRA's Jasmine Essential Oil is your key to unlocking a world of natural well-being and beauty. Immerse yourself in the soothing embrace of this cherished oil and experience the transformative power of nature's finest. Shop now for the essence of pure luxury.
Discover the pure and exquisite essence of doTERRA's Jasmine Essential Oil. Extracted from the delicate petals of handpicked jasmine flowers, our premium-quality oil offers a captivating, floral aroma that uplifts the senses and promotes relaxation. With its versatile applications in aromatherapy and skincare, doTERRA's Jasmine Essential Oil is your key to unlocking a world of natural well-being and beauty. Immerse yourself in the soothing embrace of this cherished oil and experience the transformative power of nature's finest. Shop now for the essence of pure luxury.

Take a Closer Look


Jasminum grandiflorum




Intensely flora, warm, musky, exotic



Benzyl acetate, benzyl benzoate



  • Apply to bottoms of feet and pulse points in the morning to uplift mood

  • Can be used as a personal fragrance

  • Apply to skin imperfections twice daily


  • Skin Health: Jasmine oil is often used in skincare products due to its potential to promote healthy, glowing skin. It may help moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.

  • Antioxidant Properties: Jasmine oil contains compounds that may have antioxidant properties, which can help protect the skin from oxidative stress and environmental damage.

  • Relaxation and Sleep: While not a direct physical benefit, the calming and soothing aroma of jasmine oil may help improve relaxation and sleep quality.

  • Aphrodisiac: Jasmine oil is often considered an aphrodisiac due to its romantic and sensual fragrance, potentially enhancing intimacy.

  • Respiratory Health: Inhaling the aroma of jasmine oil may provide a sense of relief from stuffiness and promote easier breathing.

  • Muscle Relaxation: Some people use jasmine oil in massage to help relax muscles and reduce tension.

  • Tension Relief: The soothing properties of jasmine oil may provide comfort and relief from head tension when applied topically or inhaled.

  • Hair Health: Jasmine oil is sometimes used in hair care products for its potential to promote healthy hair and a shiny, lustrous appearance.



Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

10 ways to use jasmine oil
  1. Permune: Roll on pulse points and over the heart. This is an excellent way to create a calming and uplifting atmosphere.

  2. Aromatherapy Massage: Dilute jasmine oil with a carrier oil (such as jojoba, coconut, or almond oil) and use it for a relaxing and fragrant massage. It can help relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation.

  3. Bath Soak: Add a few drops of jasmine oil to your bathwater for a luxurious and aromatic bath experience. This can help you unwind and de-stress.

  4. Perfume: Create your own natural perfume by diluting jasmine oil with a carrier oil and applying it to your pulse points. It's a beautiful and personal fragrance option.

  5. Hair Care: Add a drop or two of jasmine oil to your shampoo or conditioner to promote healthy hair and leave it with a lovely scent.

  6. Skincare: Incorporate jasmine oil into your skincare routine by adding a drop to your moisturizer or serum. It may help moisturize and rejuvenate your skin.

  7. Inhalation: Inhale the aroma of jasmine oil directly from the bottle or by placing a drop on a tissue. This can provide quick emotional support and relaxation.

  8. Candle Making: Infuse your homemade candles with jasmine oil for a fragrant and soothing ambiance in your home.

  9. Sleep Aid: Place a few drops of jasmine oil on a cotton ball and tuck it under your pillow to promote relaxation and enhance your sleep quality.

  10. Yoga and Meditation: Use jasmine oil during your yoga or meditation practice to create a serene and calming environment. You can apply it to your wrists or diffuse it in your practice space.

diy recipes with jasmine oil

In order to use premade Roller Bottles in a DIY recipe, you can just open the roller bottle top and use a pipette to extract the oil. 


1. Relaxing Bath Oil


  • 10 drops of jasmine essential oil

  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil

  • 2 tablespoons of carrier oil (e.g., sweet almond oil or jojoba oil)


  1. Mix the jasmine and lavender essential oils with the carrier oil in a small glass bottle.

  2. Add a few drops of this blend to your bathwater for a relaxing and fragrant soak.


2. Sensual Massage Oil


  • 5 drops of jasmine essential oil

  • 5 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil

  • 5 drops of sandalwood essential oil

  • 2 tablespoons of carrier oil (e.g., coconut oil or grapeseed oil)


  1. Combine all the essential oils with the carrier oil in a dark glass bottle.

  2. Shake well to blend the oils.

  3. Use this sensual massage oil for a romantic and calming massage experience.


3. Mood-Boosting Room Spray


  • 10 drops of jasmine essential oil

  • 5 drops of bergamot essential oil

  • 5 drops of lemon essential oil

  • 1/2 cup of distilled water

  • 1/2 cup of witch hazel


  1. Mix the essential oils with distilled water and witch hazel in a spray bottle.

  2. Shake well before each use.

  3. Spray the room with this uplifting blend to improve your mood and freshen the air.


4. Nourishing Hair Serum


  • 5 drops of jasmine essential oil

  • 5 drops of rosemary essential oil

  • 2 tablespoons of argan oil


  1. Combine the jasmine and rosemary essential oils with argan oil in a small glass bottle.

  2. Apply a few drops of this serum to your hair and scalp for added shine and hair health.


5. Sleep-Inducing Pillow Spray


  • 10 drops of jasmine essential oil

  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil

  • 1/2 cup of distilled water


  1. Mix the essential oils with distilled water in a spray bottle.

  2. Shake well before each use.

  3. Spritz your pillow and bedding lightly with this calming spray to promote restful sleep.


Indulge in a luxurious and calming bath experience with our DIY Relaxing Bath Oil. Combining the soothing scents of jasmine and lavender essential oils, this recipe is designed to melt away stress and promote relaxation. Learn how to make your own fragrant bath oil at home.
Ignite romance and relaxation with our Sensual Massage Oil recipe. Blending the enticing aromas of jasmine, ylang-ylang, and sandalwood essential oils, this DIY creation is perfect for intimate moments or self-care rituals. Discover how to craft your own alluring massage oil.
Elevate your mood and refresh your living space with our Mood-Boosting Room Spray. This DIY blend features jasmine, bergamot, and lemon essential oils, creating a vibrant and uplifting atmosphere. Learn how to make this invigorating room spray for a brighter day.
Revitalize your hair with our Nourishing Hair Serum recipe. This DIY formula combines jasmine and rosemary essential oils with argan oil to promote healthy, shiny locks. Discover the steps to create your own haircare elixir for a stunning mane.
Enhance your sleep quality with our Sleep-Inducing Pillow Spray. This DIY blend incorporates jasmine and lavender essential oils to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere. Follow our guide to make your own natural aid for a restful night's sleep.
essential emotions & spiritualtiy

Jasmine ✧ Oil of Sexual Purity & Balance

Emotional Benefits

  1. Stress Reduction: The sweet and soothing aroma of jasmine oil is known for its calming effect, which can help reduce stress and promotes a sense of relaxation.

  2. Mood Enhancement: Inhaling the fragrance of jasmine oil may uplift one's mood and provide feelings of joy and optimism.

  3. Emotional Balance: Jasmine oil is believed to help balance emotions, making it useful for those dealing with mood swings or emotional turbulence.

  4. Confidence Boost: The floral scent of jasmine oil is sometimes used to boost self-confidence and self-esteem, promoting a positive self-image.

  5. Aid for Depression: Some individuals find that the scent of jasmine oil can provide comfort and support for those experiencing symptoms of depression, potentially offering a sense of emotional relief.


Spiritual Benefits

  1. Spiritual Awakening: Jasmine oil is often associated with spiritual growth and enlightenment, aiding in deepening one's spiritual connection or journey.

  2. Meditation Aid: The calming and centering qualities of jasmine oil make it a popular choice for meditation practices, helping individuals reach a state of inner peace and tranquility.

  3. Energy Cleansing: In some spiritual traditions, jasmine oil is believed to cleanse negative energy and promote a harmonious and pure spiritual environment.

  4. Enhanced Intuition: It is thought that jasmine oil may help open the third eye chakra, enhancing intuition and psychic abilities, and fostering a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe.

  5. Ritual and Ceremony: Jasmine oil has a long history of use in spiritual and religious rituals, symbolizing purity, divinity, and the connection between the physical and spiritual realms.


Discover the pure and exquisite essence of doTERRA's Jasmine Essential Oil. Extracted from the delicate petals of handpicked jasmine flowers, our premium-quality oil offers a captivating, floral aroma that uplifts the senses and promotes relaxation. With its versatile applications in aromatherapy and skincare, doTERRA's Jasmine Essential Oil is your key to unlocking a world of natural well-being and beauty. Immerse yourself in the soothing embrace of this cherished oil and experience the transformative power of nature's finest. Shop now for the essence of pure luxury
jasmine oil affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements or phrases that individuals repeat to themselves with the intention of changing their thought patterns, beliefs, or attitudes. These statements are often used to promote self-confidence, self-love, and a positive mindset. Affirmations can be a powerful tool for personal development and self-improvement.


When combined with the use of essential oils like jasmine oil, affirmations can become even more potent. Here are five affirmations you can use in conjunction with jasmine oil:


  1. "I am confident and self-assured, like the beautiful scent of jasmine."

    • Use this affirmation while inhaling the aroma of jasmine oil to boost your self-confidence and inner strength.

  2. "I attract love and positivity into my life, just as jasmine flowers attract bees with their sweetness."

    • Repeat this affirmation as you apply jasmine oil to your pulse points, fostering a sense of love and positivity.

  3. "I am at peace with myself and my surroundings, guided by the tranquil energy of jasmine."

    • Use this affirmation during meditation with jasmine oil to promote inner peace and a calm state of mind.

  4. "My dreams and goals bloom like the petals of a jasmine flower, filling my life with beauty and purpose."

    • Recite this affirmation while visualizing your goals and aspirations, creating a sense of purpose and determination.

  5. "I release all negativity and embrace the pure and uplifting energy of jasmine."

    • Use this affirmation during moments of stress while inhaling the scent of jasmine oil to let go of negativity and find clarity.


Why Using Essential Oils with Affirmations Is Powerful:

  1. Enhanced Sensory Experience: Essential oils like jasmine stimulate the sense of smell, which is closely linked to emotions and memories. When paired with affirmations, the aroma can anchor positive feelings and beliefs.

  2. Multi-Sensory Approach: Combining the auditory (spoken affirmations), visual (mental imagery), and olfactory (scent of essential oils) senses creates a multi-sensory experience that reinforces the affirmation's message.

  3. Mind-Body Connection: Affirmations can influence your mindset and emotions, which, in turn, can affect your physical well-being. The calming and uplifting properties of jasmine oil complement the positive mindset promoted by affirmations.

  4. Association and Conditioning: Over time, the brain associates the scent of jasmine with the positive affirmations and feelings experienced during their use. This conditioning can make it easier to access positive emotions and beliefs in the future.

  5. Deeper Relaxation: Essential oils like jasmine can help induce a relaxed state, making it easier to focus on affirmations and reduce stress, further enhancing their effectiveness.


By incorporating affirmations and essential oils like jasmine into your daily routine, you can harness their combined power to promote personal growth, emotional well-being, and a more positive outlook on life.


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